Past Dates
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Tribute Concert to George Mgrdichian {1935 ~ 2006)
With The Mgrdichian Family, The Alhambra Ensemble, David Amram • Rex
Benincasa • Dennis Cinelli • Ara Dinkjian, Noam Dworman • Gerard
Edery • Ron Eliran • Erwin FrankeI Margo Gezairlian • Avram
Grobard • Rea & Claudia Jacobs, Dennis Koster • Sean
Kupiscz • Nick Mandoukos, Chris Marashlian • Roger
Mgrdichian, Jr. • Sabah Nissan, Avram Pengas • Seido
Salifosky • Peninnah Schram, Midhat Serbagi • Yoel
Ben Simhon • Nell Snaidas • Gus Vali — & MANY
TUES • JUNE 27TH • 2006 • 7:30PM ~ AT THE ‘UNDERGROUND’ ~
Under The Fat Black Pussycat 130 W 3RD ST BETWEEN McDOUGAL
ST & 6TH AVE Free Admission • Cash Bar • Information
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Sultana Ensemble Concert
As part of the Israeli Independence Day celebration, outdoor
Elmhurst, MA
UMASS Elmurst, at 6PM, free!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Yoel with Storahtelling
Workshop/concert for families
Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Museum, from 1-4PM
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
The Sultana Ensemble Concert
As part of the Ladino/Sephardic music festival
NY City
Makor, 35 West 67th street, between Columbus and Central Park
Saturday, April 1, 2006
Sultana Ensemble with YAIR DALAL!
A celebration of music of all the BJ congregation's musicians
NY City
BJ Congregation, West 88th street between Broadway and West
End Ave. @ 8PM. Tickets are $10
BJ Congregation
Thursday, March 17-20, 2006
YOel with Storahtelling in Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Wilshire Temple at Barrington.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Yoel Gives a Lecture/Concert
Lecture/concert on Andalusia and the Golden Age period.
NY City
Hunter High School, on 94th street and Park Ave. @ 1AM
February 22, 2006
The Sultana Ensemble in NYC
With special guest from France- Matias Berchaesky on flamenco
The Stone is located at the corner of avenue C and 2nd street.
Tickets are $10, at 10PM
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Yoel in Chicago, IL
Concert/lecture on Middle Eastern music with focus on Jewish
music. From 10AM till 1PM
Chicago, IL
Lakside Congregation, 1221 Lake Cook Rd. Highland Park, Chicago,
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Yoel with the Gerard Edery Ensemble
AS part of a concert series. At 8PM
Deal Park, NJ
Ackerman Theater in the Greater Monmouth JCC (100 Grant Avenue,
Deal Park, NJ 07733
Thursday, February 9, 2006
Yoel at The Dalton School, NY
Concert/workshop on the music of Andalusia, Spain between 9
to 15 centuries
Dalton school-108 East 89th Street (Between Lexington and Park
Avenues) New York, NY 10128
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Yoel with Asefa at CUNY
As part of Sam Thomas's (Asefa band) doctoral presentation.
It will include Dudu Buchbut on percussion
CUNY graduate center in middtown Manhattan at 6:30
Saturday, February 4, 2006
The Sultana Ensemble in Milton, MA
Concert, talk back and drum circle. at 8PM
Milton, MA
170 Centre Street, Milton, MA 02186. TEl: 617.898.1798
January 29, 2006
Yoel with Moroccan cantor Marc Hazan
on ancient Moroccan piyutim (hymns)
NYC - Manhattan Sephardic Congregation
January 21, 2006
Yoel at the Rubin Museum
Solo performance as part of the museum music series
December 28, 2005
Yoel & Sultana Ensemble
1st Annual Sephardic Music Festival
The Sultana Ensemble featured guest dancer - Dalia Carella
dancing flameco, North African and Middle Eastern dance. This
evening started with a concert at 9PM by Galeet Dardashti and
Divahn, followed by Sultana
NYC - Joe's Pub
December 27, 2005
Yoel with the Sarah Aroeste Band
As part of the first annual Sephardic music festival
NYC - Makor, 35 West 67th street at 8PM
December 23-27, 2005
Yoel with Storahtelling in London, England
As part of Limmud England conference.
Yoel performed with Amichai from Storahtelling, as well as gave solo concerts
and workshops on Middle Eastern music. Nottigham University
December 17, 2005
Yoel & The Sultana Ensemble at Symphony Space
As part of a music festival celebrating peace, produced by Ayecha organization.
Symphony Space - NYC
December 10, 2005
Yoel with Moroccan cantor Marc Hazan
Concert/workshop on ancient Moroccan piyutim (hymns)
Manhattan Sephardic Congregation
325 East 75th Street
December 4, 2005
Sultana Ensemble in Italy
As part of "Aperitivo in Concerto Festival"
The Sultana Ensemble included 7 musicians and 2 dancers
Milano, Italy
Theatro Manzoni, Milano
November 11, 2005
Yoel with Gerard Edery in Newton, MA
Gerard Edery and Yoel Ben-Simhon will present a Sephardic Shabbat service
Newton, MA
Temple Beth Avodah
For more information call: (617) 527-0045 (617) 527-0045
November 4, 2005
Yoel with the Ivory Consort in Milwakee
As part of Early Music Now, 4 concerts tour in Milwakee. Playing early music
from the land of three faiths-Andalusia. Early music from Jewish, Christian and
Muslim traditions. NYC
Early Music Now, Milwakee
November 1, 2005
Yoel with the Ivory Consort
As part of a fund raise for the peace organization
"Seeds of Peace"
All Souls Unitarian Church
October 7 till October
Yoel Play's in Off-Broadway Play: Desert Sunrise
written by Misha Shulman, describes a real stituation between a Palestinian and
a Israeli soldier.
NYC Theater for the New City
155 First Ave. at 10th street, 212-254-1109
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Sultana Ensemble Concert
Syracuse Area Middle East Dialogue
Syracuse, NY
Hendricks Chapel, Syracuse University at 7:30PM, Talk back at
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Sultana Trio at The Rubin Museum
Concert series
NY City
The Rubin Museum, 150 West 17 Street, b/w 6 and 7 Ave. From
12 till 5PM, FREE.
Saturday, September 3, 2005
Sultana Trio at The Rubin Museum
Concert series
NY City
The Rubin Museum, 150 West 17 Street, b/w 6 and 7 Ave. From
12 till 6PM, FREE.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Sultana Ensemble at Battery Park, Lincoln Center F
Part of "La Casita", the Lincoln Center Out Door Festival
at Battery Park, at 6PM, Free!
The National Museum of American Indian at One Bowling Green,
North East corner of Battery Park. By train: 4/5 to Bowling
Green, 1/9 to South Ferry, N/R to Whithall St., M/J/Z to Broad
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Sultana Ensemble at Lincoln Center
Part of "La Casita", The Lincoln Center Out Door Festival
Lincoln Center Plaza, at 65th Street and Broadway, at 4PM, Free!
Friday-Monday August 12-15, 2005
Yoel With Storahtelling
Part of the CAGE conference
Seatle, WA
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Sultana Trio
Part of concert series
The Rubin Museum, 150 West 17 Street, b/w 6 & 7 Ave. From
12 till 5PM, Free!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Sultana Ensemble
Part of concert series
The Jewish Museum on 92nd Street at 5 Ave. From 5 till 9 PM,
Thursday, June 9, 2005
Sultana Ensemble Concert in Savannah, GA
Part of the Jerusalem day festival
Savannah, GA
Savannah JCC at 8PM
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Yoel and The Pittsburgh Orchestra
Yoel will be featured oud soloist, performing Yuval Ron's "Canciones
Pittsburgh, PA
Katz Theater at Pittsburgh JCC, Pittsburgh, PA, at 8PM
Thursday, June 2, 2005
Yoel and The Sarah Aroeste Band
Part of Pittsburgh Jewish Music Festival
Pittsburgh, PA
Club Cafe, 56-58 12th Street, Pittsburgh, PA, at 7PM
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Sultana Ensemble
Concert series
The Rubin Museum
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Yoel & Sultana Trio in Fairfield, CT
Fundraise concert from 4-6PM
Fairfield, CT
Fairfield University
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Yoel & Sultana Trio in NYC
This concert is part of Odecha production of Freedom & Justice,
at 7PM
The JCC in Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave. at West 76th St.
Underground Concert Series
Monday, April 4, 2005
Yoel & Sultana Trio
Yoel & Sultana Trio will participate in an International
Music Festival, from 12PM till 1:15PM. Then Yoel will give a
lecture with demonstrations, about Arabic music, from 1:30PM
till 3PM.
Philadelphia, PA
The Community College of Philadelphia, 1700 Spring Garden St.
Room S1-19, Philadelphia, PA
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Yoel and Sarah Aroeste Band
Underground concert series. $14 in advance; $16 at the door
(student/senior discount available) Tickets/info: call 973 762-0119
Maplewood, NJ
Maplewood Library Memorial Hall 51 Baker Street, Maplewood,
Friday, March 11-13, 2005
Yoel and Storahtelling
Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH. TBA
Monday, March 7-10, 2005
Yoel with Sarah Aroeste Band in Sevilla, Spain
World music festival of women singers
Sevilla, Spain
Three Cultures Organization, Sevilla, Spain
Sarah Aroeste
Sunday, March 6, 2005
Yoel Performs with The Sarah Aroeste Band
NY City
Joe's Pub at 2PM, on the corner of Laffayette and Saint Marks,
NY City
Sarah Aroeste
Sunday, February, 27, 2005
Yoel Performs with The Ivory Consort
The Ivory Consort will perform at the Center for Jewish History
as part of a benefit for The American Society for Jewish Music
The Center for Jewish History (15 West 16th St.b/w 5 and 6 Ave.
NY at 3PM. For more information and tickets please call (212)
Sepharad Management
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Yoel and The Sultana Ensemble
Club Le Souk, 47 Ave B b/w 3 and 4 street, NYC, at 9PM
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Yoel and Sarah Aroeste
An evening of Sephardic dance and music with the dancer Judith
Brin Ingber
New Brunswick, NJ
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. At Nicholas hall at 8PM
Sarah Aroeste
Friday January 28-29, 2005
Yoel Performs with Storahtelling in Lancaster, PA
Lancaster, PA
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Yoel and The Sarah Aroeste Band
Club Satalla, 37 West 26, b/w 6 and 7 Ave. NYC at 7:30PM
Sarah Aroeste
Tueday, January 25, 2005
Yoel and The Sultana Ensemble
Teaneck, NJ
Jewish Center of Teaneck, 70 Sterling Place, Teaneck, NJ at
Friday, January 14 till Sunday the 16, 2005
Yoel Performs and Lecturs at Limmud Conference
Yoel will perform with Sultana trio, Sarah Aroeste Band, Frank
London and Storahtelling. Limmud is a three day conference on
Jewish culture
New Paltz, NY
Hudson Valley Resort at New Paltz, NY
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Yoel Performs with The Ivory Consort
Calvin College at 12PM
Calvin College, MI
Sepharad Management
Friday, December 10, 2004
Yoel Performs at Bamat Etgar in Israel
Yoel will performs with local musicians: Yair Dalal, Yehuda
Kamari, Khemi Porbuchrai, Morad Khouri and Shmuel Rozban.
Jaffa, Israel
Bamat Etgar, 3048 Street, at 9PM in Jaffa, Israel
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Sultana Ensemble Concert
Special Family concert with guest artist, Carlos Revollar-flamenco
guitarist, Gisele Revollar-flamenco dancer and Dorit Konig-Middle
Eastern dancer
NY City
The Jewish Museum, 92nd Street and 5th Ave. at 2PM
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Concert with Sarah Aroeste Band
Grinnell, Iowa
Grinnell College, Sebring Lewis Hall 8 PM
Friday, November 12, 2004
Sultana Trio Concert
White Plains, NY
Kol Ami congregation-coffe house, 252 Soundview Ave. White Plains,
NY, at 9PM
Saturday, November 6, 2004
Sultana Ensemble Concert and Workshop
Yoel will give a workshop on Moroccan music and his own compositions
with the Cornell Middle Eastern Music Ensemble, led by Nikolai
Ruskin. Then the Sultana Ensemble will give a concert with Cornell
Middle Eastern Music Ensemble as special guest
Ithaca, NY
Yoel's workshop at Cornell University at 11AM. Sultana Ensemble
concert at Ithaca College, Muller Chapel, at 7:30PM
Tuesday, October 5, 2004
A Tribute Concert for Naomi Shemer
With Zamira Chen, Danny Mesing, Lilach Koch, and Yoav Polachek
New York City
Makor, 35 West 67th Street, b/w Columbus & CPW, at 8PM
Saturday, October 2, 2004
Sultana Ensemble Concert
A cellebration of water-Simchat Beit Hashoeva
New York City
New Shul, 272 West 10th Street, b/w Greenwich & Washington
Street, at 7PM, FREE! Tel: 212-284-6773
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Concert at the Storahtelling's High & Holy
Yoel will perform at the Storahtelling production of High &
Holy, together with Rebbetzin Hadassah Gross, The Sway Machinery,
Frank London, Michael Feldman, and the Hebrew Mamita (Vanessa
Museum of Jewish Heritage, 36 Battery Place, in lower Manhattan.
$15 , the show starts at 7PM
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Sultana Ensemble Concert
At 9PM, Tickets are $15
Sugar Bar, 254 West 72nd Street (between Broadway and West End
Friday, September 10
Concert with Sarah Aroeste Band
Friday Night Live at Sinai Temple
Los Angeles, CA
Sinai Temple-10400 Wilshire Blvd (corner of Beverly Glen.) 7:30
PM, TEL: 310.481.3244
Tuesday, August 31
Concert with Anda-El and the Chicago classical Ara
Two major Middle Eastern music ensembles, the Chicago Classical
Oriental Ensemble, led by Hicham Chami, and the Anda-El, East-West
Orchestra will merge for a U.S. tour, under the artistic direction
of Dr. Avi Eilam-Amzallag. Feature singers-Munshid Abdelfattah
Bennis and Cantor Lior El Malich
New York City
Symphony Space, corner of 95th Street and Broadway
Xauen Music Inc. Chicago
Saturday, August 28-Sunday, August 29
Genesis Concerts
Concert with Trio Mizan, Sarah Aroeste Band, and the Israel-Chicago
Andalusian Ensemble under the direction of Dr. Avi Eilam Amzalag
Chicago, IL
Genesis at the Crossroads “From the Middle-East to the
Midwest” Outdoor Music Festival Block 37, Downtown Chicago
(corner of State & Randolph) TEL: 312-927-2746
Genesis at The Crossroads
Saturday, August 14-Saturday, August 21
Arabic Music Retreat
7 days intensive workshop with Simon Shaheen, Dr. Ali Jihad
Racy, Bassam Saba and many other best teachers in the field
of Arabic music.
Mount Holyok, MA
Mount Holyok College, MA
Tuesday, August 3
Concert with Sarah Aroeste Band
New York City
Makor, 35 West 67th Street, between Columbus and CPW
Friday, July 30
Sultana Ensemble concert
THREE CITIES AGAINST THE WALL- Benefit Concert (a coalition
of artists in Tel-Aviv Israel, Ramallah Palestine and New York
City, working for a just peace) with CAT POWER, Seth Tobocman
with Steve Wishnia and Eric Blitz and a short film by Danielle
Sarah Frank
New York City
Friday July 30th St. Marks Church, 131 East 10th Street at 8pm,
tickets are $10-$20 sliding scale
Seth Tobocman
Thursday, July 29
Concert with The NY Andalusian Orchestra
Andalusian music of the Jews in the Arab land of the Magreb,
features Moroccan cantor- Marc Hazan
Washington, DC
Smithsonian Museum, Freer Gallery of Art / Arthur M. Sackler
Gallery, Jefferson Drive at 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC
Wednesday, July 28
Live Inerview on WBAI Radio
Live interview with live musicians from Sultana Ensemble on
WBAI, Bill Weinberg Show
New York City
WBAI 99.5FM radio at 12AM till 1:30AM
Tuesday, July 6
Sultana Ensemble
Double bill concert of Sultana Ensemble and Smadar band
Makor, 35 West 67th Street, b/w Columbus & Central Park
Thursday, July 1
Sultana Ensemble & George Megardician
Sultana Ensemble will be joined by the oud virtuoso George Megardician,
to perform at Celebrate Brooklyn Festival in Prospect Park,
Celebrate Brooklyn band shell-Prospect Park West at 9 th Street,
Celebrate Brooklyn Festival
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Live interview on WNYC-Sound Check
Live Interview on WNYC- Sound Check program with John Schafer,
promoting Celebrate Brooklyn concert on July 1
WNYC radio 93.9FM, Sound Check from 2:30PM till 3PM
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Performing with Sarah Aroeste Band
Detroit, MI
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Sultana Ensemble Concert
As part of the museum's SummerNights series
New York City
The Jewish Museum
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Sultana Trio with Yosi Piamenta Band
Teaneck, New Jersey
Mexicali Blues
Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Performing with Sarah Aroeste band
New York City
Center for Jewish History, NYC
Sarah Aroeste band
Monday, May 17 till Sunday, May 23, 2004
Performing with Storahtelling
Los Angeles, CA
Sunday, May 16
Concert with Yale Storm & Hot Patstromi
New York City
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Sultana Ensemble CD Release Party
And special guest artists: Smadar Levi - backup vocals, George
Mordecai - Iraqi cantor; Carlos Revollar -flamenco guitar; Gisele
Revollar - flamenco dancer, Shai Bachar - piano; Ramzi Edlibi
- percussion and dabka dancer; Leanne Darling - viola; Dorit
Konig - Middle Eastern dancer
New York City
Sunday, May 9
Sultana Ensemble Concert
Fundraising for The Arab Studies Journal
New York City
Sunday, May 8, 2004
Live interview on WFMU Radio
Live interview on Rob Weisberg show, promoting the Sultana Ensemble
CD release on May 13
Jersey City, NJ
WFMU 91.1FM from 8 till 10PM
Friday, May 7, 2004
Live interview on WBAI radio
Live interview on Ibrahim Gonzales show, promoting The Sultana
Ensemble CD release on May 13
WBAI 99.5FM from 2 til 5AM
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Performing with Sarah Aroeste band
In partnership with The Shefa Fund
Philadelphia, PA
Tin Angel Club
Monday, April 26, 2004
Sultana Ensemble Concert
As part of the 5th annual, week long Jewish music festival
Jewish Community Center
Washington, DC
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Sultana Ensemble Concert
As part of the Mimouna celebrations
New York City
Bronfman Center
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Sultana Ensemble Concert
As part of the Mimouna celebrations
Springfield, NY
Heritage Academy
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Performing with Sarah Aroeste band
Chicago, IL
The HotHouse, Chicago, at 7PM
Thursday, April 8, 2004
Sultana Ensemble Concert
New York City
Princeton University
Friday, April 2, 2004
Sultana Ensemble Concert
As part of Global Rhythm Magazine's VIP CD release event
New York City
March 12–14, 2004
Sultana Trio
February 27, 2004
White Plains
Congregation Kol Ami
The Sultana Ensemble
February 19, 2004
Satalla, The Temple of World Music
37 W.26th Street, NY
The Sultana Ensemble
January 27, 2004
Satalla, The Temple of World Music
37 W.26th Street, NY
with Sarah Aroeste
December 6, 2003
The Haute House, Chicago
with Sarah Aroeste
November 29–December 3, 2003
CD Recording
The Sultana Ensemble
November 13, 2003
JCC Upper West Side, NY
with Sarah Aroeste
September 28, 2003
Arab–Jewish Peace Concert
with Storahtelling
September 14, 2003
The Spertus Museum, Chicago
with Sarah Aroeste
September 6, 2003
Tagine Restaurant, NY
with Sarah Aroeste
August 9–16, 2003
Arabic Music Retreat
Directed by Simon Shaheen
South Hadley, MA
April 27, 2003
Brooklyn Heights Synagogue, NY
The Sultana Ensemble
March 30, 2003
Genesis Project, Chicago
Trio Mizan
Feb, 2003
Makor Grammy festival, NY
with Sarah Aroeste
Jan, 2003
Interfaith Project, NY
Dec, 2002
Elbow Room, NY
with Sarah Aroeste
Oct, 2002
Bitter End, NY
with Sarah Aroeste
Sep, 2002
Knitting Factory, NY
with Sarah Aroeste
Aug, 2002
Makor, NY
The Sultana Ensemble
May, 2002
Northampton, CT
The Sultana Ensemble
April, 2001
Hartford, CT
The Sultana Ensemble
February, 2001
The Jewish Museum
The Sultana Ensemble
Sep, 2000
Princeton University
The Sultana Ensemble
Aug, 2000
Greensborough, N.C.
The Sultana Ensemble
May, 2000
Boltimor JCC
The Sultana Ensemble
The UN General Assembly Hall
The Sultana Ensemble
May, 1999
The Sultana Ensemble
December, 1998
The New Israel Fund
The Sultana Ensemble
October, 1998
Hunter college
The Sultana Ensemble